The Adventures of "Just a Bear and his Dog" Bear and Dog Spend Christmas Eve Sledding

December 26, 2021  •  4 Comments
The year had gone by fast. Bear could hardly believe it was Christmas Eve already. It had been a mild winter so far but there was just enough snow from the last storm to go sledding. The sun was shining and there was no wind which made this the perfect day be outside. As Bear got the sled ready Dog was jumping with excitement as he could hardly wai...
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The Adventures of "Just a Bear and his Dog" Bear and Dog try to Stay Cool

July 03, 2021  •  Leave a Comment
It was going to be very hot over the next few days. To try to beat the heat, Bear thought a trip to the coast would be a good idea. Bear knew just the spot where him and Dog could watch the boats and see a lighthouse while enjoying the cool ocean breeze. Dog liked going to the ocean and was excited that he was going to see his very first lighthous...
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The Adventures of "Just a Bear and his Dog" Bear and Dog hike Tumbledown Mtn

June 26, 2021  •  2 Comments
Bear and Dog have been on many great adventures, but one of the most challenging ones was yet to come. They had not been getting out much and Bear decided it was time for a hike. But where to, thought Bear. Hmm, let me think. Then suddenly Bear said "I know, lets hike Tumbledown Mountain and camp out overnight. It will be so much fun." Dog ran arou...
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The Adventures of "Just a Bear and his Dog" Bear and Dog decorate their Christmas tree

December 24, 2019  •  Leave a Comment
Christmas was almost here! Bear and Dog were excited to get the Christmas tree inside and start decorating it. Bear got the tree settled and put the lights on it. Once the lights were all set, Dog could now help with the rest of the decorations. Dog decorated the bottom part of the tree, while Bear decorated the higher spots. With the tr...
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The Adventures of "Just a Bear and his Dog" Bear and Dog paint their Giant pumpkins

October 12, 2019  •  1 Comment
It was a rainy and chilly fall day. Bear was reading and Dog played with his ball as the warmth of the fire filled the room. As Bear finished reading, he came up with an idea. "Let's paint the pumpkins!" Bear said to Dog. Dog was so excited he could hardly wait. Bear cleared off the table, got out the paint supplies and moved the pumpkins. Be...
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