The Adventures of "Just a Bear and his Dog" Bear and Dog's last day in their Mountain Den

April 15, 2019  •  3 Comments

Bear and Dog spent the winter high up in the mountains.  It had been a rough one.  There were many snow storms and the temperatures were frigid.  They did not venture out much and stayed close to the den.

Spring had finally arrived and the snow was beginning to melt.  As morning came Bear could feel the warmth of the sun reaching into the den.  He knew their time on the mountain would be over soon. 

Bear started a nice fire for them to warm up a bit.

Later that morning Bear and Dog headed out to check a small pond that they would need to cross on their journey back down the mountain.

As they got close to the pond Bear could see open water near the edge.

Just then Dog jumped off the sled and ran toward the open water.  Bear yelled "Stop" and Dog stopped just at the edge.

Bear cautiously made his way over to Dog.  He explained that the snow & ice may not be safe this time of year around water. You must always be careful. 

With the temperatures warming up and the ice melting on the pond, Bear knew it was time to leave their mountain den.



I so look forward to these Bear and Dog adventures! I love them all! Great job!
Frances Cartier(non-registered)
Love the story and the pictures.
Good dog! Listen to Bear so you don't fall in! LOVE this Michele, as always, it's so cute and well done.
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